18 Auto GP cars ready to travel to Brazil
The end of the Portimão Auto GP round marked the start of a 45-day break before the next event of the Series, scheduled for 21-22 July in Curitiba, Brazil.Anyway, this didn’t mean that teams and the Championship organizer could relax with idle hands: actually, the checkered flag of Race 2 in Portugal was the start of another race, the rush to get everything ready for the overseas freight that will bring the cars to Brazil.Immediately after the Portuguese Race the teams went back to their respective workshops, with just a few days to work on the cars and prepare them for the trip, as well as stuffing all the team’s equipment in cases ready to be loaded in the 40 ft. containers.Yesterday, 13 June, all the cars and equipment were gathered in Antwerp where the actual loading took place. As the teams are receiving a lot of interest from drivers for the two American rounds, 18 cars were loaded in 3 containers, six per each of them thanks to special purpose-made cases.Other six containers were used to store the spares and equipment from the Series organization, the teams and engine supplier Zytek: it took 13 trucks to bring everything to Belgium while the special cases for the cars were carried in Antwerp in three other trucks by DHL, the Global Logistic Company that will manage the shipment with the supervision of Auto GP and Eurosport Events. The freight, whose approximate weight is 30 tons, will now be loaded on the container vessel Santa Catarina and will leave the Antwerp harbor on Wednesday 20 June. It is expected to reach the Paranaguà port on July 7, and then the Curitiba circuit after a 90 km road trip.