Outline details for the eleventh edition of Tour Britannia have been released and include exciting plans to take the event across the water for some competition in Ireland during the 13-15 May classic race and rally tour.Building on the success of the 2014 event the 2015 edition, known as ‘Tour Ireland’, will start and finish in North Wales but will take in at least one day in Ireland. Following documentation and scrutineering in Llandudno on Tuesday 12 May, the tour will start early on Wednesday 13 May and finish back in North Wales on Friday 15 May.The 2015 event will maintain the popular format of a race each day along with a range of special stages and event promoter Alec Poole says he is keen to run longer asphalt stages.“We are splitting our three-day event between North Wales and Ireland next year, for what promises to be a feast of open road driving and stages,” said Poole. “It should be a great craic!”To encourage as broad a spectrum of competing cars as possible, more emphasis will be placed on the event’s Index of Performance when determining the major awards. As usual, a regularity event will run alongside the competition section. The event is open to cars built before 31 December 1985, with an invitation class for cars produced after this date.To maintain the friendly atmosphere and camaraderie for which the event is renowned, entries will be limited and regulations and entry forms are now available from the event website: www.tourbritannia.com