VX Racing secure third row at Croft

 VX Racing qualified on the third row for todays 's round 13 of the 2008 HiQMSA British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) at Croft, North Yorkshire. Matt Neal will start directly ahead of his team-mate Tom Onslow-Cole aftersetting near-exact lap times in the 30-minute qualifying session.

Neal lapped around the 2.25 mile circuit in 1:26.226, seeing him finish in fifthposition, whilst Onslow-Cole, the double-winner from Thruxton two weeks ago,recorded the sixth quickest time of 1:26.238, only 0.012s behind histeam-mate. 

The reigning BTCC Champion Fabrizio Giovanardi meanwhile qualified in 12thin the session, which was red-flagged three times.

The Italian struggled toset a faster time due to the 45kg success ballast on-board his Vectra VXR.  The first of tomorrow's three races will start at 12:00 at the NorthYorkshire circuit. 

Matt Neal #4"We knew this is a circuit where we would struggle a bit and especially atthe back at the hairpin. On my two hot laps the red flags were displayed andI was forced to slow down.  "Tomorrow is another day but the races will be very tough."

Tom Onslow-Cole #10"We were caught up in traffic towards the end and just a bit unfortunatewith the red-flag interruptions.  "I'm happy with sixth though, I think we can still pull off some good podiumpositions tomorrow, if not even win a race. I like Croft circuit and thiswill help me tomorrow."

Fabrizio Giovanardi #1"We didn't find the best set-up from this morning; we changed a lot but wedidn't go in the right direction. "Tomorrow will be difficult. Croft is tricky at the best of times, and whenyou start so far back on the grid it will be tough. Still I'm lookingforward to it and to securing some points."

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