Max stays in the chair at the FIA

Quite an accomplished politician isn't he? Could not care less about his private life - but would like his stamina at his age!

PR from FIA site below:

FIA Extraordinary General Assembly - Vote03.06.2008     During the Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) held in Paris today, the FIA Member Clubs voted on a motion of confidence in the FIA President.

The FIA membership voted as follows:

For the motion:  103Against the motion:  55Abstentions:   7Invalid votes   4

Voting in the EGA was made by secret ballot. Votes were counted in private by the FIA legal department in the presence of four scrutineers, selected by the EGA from a list of Delegates proposed by the Chairman of the meeting (the President of the FIA Senate).

The entire voting procedure was supervised by an external Huissier de Justice (French state-appointed public witness).

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