Young? Creative? Chevrolet!

The smell of success for the contestants of the VISUAL ART competition

On June 14th, an atypical panel of judges will gather in Brno, Czech Republic, during the WTCC race (world touring car championship), in which Chevrolet takes part. They will elect the best design of a new decoration for the Chevrolet Lacetti/Nubira race car among various projects presented by young European students.

● A 2008 Visual Art winner of the pan European Young? Creative? Chevrolet! CompetitionChevrolet focuses on new young talents through this original contest launched in 2007 and aimed at art students from all over Europe. Students from 15 European countries have presented creative projects upon a brief given by Chevrolet in five disciplines: Fashion, Interior design, Photo, Video and Visual Arts.

Each country has elected its own winners through a national contest. They are now competing for the European prize, a long expected moment for the contestants. The visual art projects will be presented in Brno to the European panel of judges from a variety of countries and background

Each year, Chevrolet presents a different brief for students to focus on. In 2008, the visual art students have been asked to “redecorate” the Chevrolet Lacetti/Nubira WTCC race car. The best among all will be welcomed to an exceptional weekend with the Chevrolet WTCC racing team where they will witness their decorating car racing!

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