GP2 Senna thwarted by traffic...

but confident for Hungarian opener

Brazilian encouraged by strong race pace

Bruno Senna will line up eighth in tomorrow's opening GP2 Series race atBudapest, one of the toughest tracks on the seasonal calendar. Overtakingis notoriously difficult at this tight, dusty circuit, where small mistakesoften lead to time-consuming errors, but Senna is confident he will be ableto overcome the odds in tomorrow's 42-lap event - no matter what hisqualifying performance might suggest.

Bruno Senna

"Obviously eighth place isn't ideal, particularly at a place like this,where overtaking is almost as difficult as it is at a circuit such asMonaco, but it isn't a complete disaster. My main championship rivalGiorgio Pantano is only just ahead of me on the grid - and he's the man Imost need to beat tomorrow. Come what may, I'm fairly sure I'll be able tomake reasonable progress.

"I'm very happy with the car - it felt really good throughout the sessionand I know our pace is good on longer runs, which is obviously beneficialin the race. It's inevitable that you are going to encounter traffic atthis circuit and the biggest problem today was that I simply couldn't puttogether a good, clear lap when I put on my second set of fresh tyres.That's just the luck of the draw."

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