Yokohama Drivers Cup USA

Track Time With Purpose

“It didn’t snow, but it did pretty much everything else during our most recent race weekend at Mid-Ohio.” Noted Greg Franz, Race Series Director. “It was an interesting weekend for the drivers of our Porsche 997 GT3 Cup cars. We had a double race winner with Wayland Joe who won both Saturday and Sunday’s Group C 997 GT3 Cup races, a repeat winner in Galen Bieker in Sunday’s Group B 997 GT3 Cup race and a new comer to the Group B 997 winner circle on Saturday with Bob Faieta.”

“It was a good race,” stated Faieta. “I started from the back of the field since I was not up to the grid when they started to let the cars go, but we were still able to pull off a win. This was my first race with the Yokohama Cup. I normally run the IMSA series. But  the Yokohama Cup races were good preparation for the following IMSA race weekend where we won both Cup races. There is good competition and I came away impressed with the way the series runs their program.”

Galen Bieker, winner of all but one of the Group B 997 GT3 Cup races this year, agrees. “The driver coach, Craig Stanton, was very helpful to me as he is to everybody. His feedback and observations were all good. I have been racing thirty years and race in other series, but no other series has the learning tools that the Yokohma Cup does. Mid-Ohio is one of my favorite tracks and I was able to take the lead on the fourth lap of Sunday’s race. It is satisfying to win against drivers like Bobby Faieta who knows this track well.”

Wayland Joe celebrated his inaugural Yokohama Drivers Cup race weekend by winning both Saturday and Sunday’s Group C 997 GT3 Cup races. “The next weekend, I had my best finish in the IMSA Cup race and the Mid-Ohio weekend was instrumental in making that second place possible,” noted Joe. “Craig Stanton was a great help. I was very impressed with the support provided by the series and the whole organization was great to work with.”

“That is one of the neat things about our weekends,” noted Franz. “The drivers get five hours of seat time and our participants appreciate that value. No other series gives their drivers as much track time. It is focused track time with purpose.”

Yokohama Drivers Cup USA is the premier American racing series that focuses on education and coaching to make its participants competent drivers at all levels.

Drivers race their own Porsche GT3 996 and 997 Cup Cars during three day weekends in an enjoyable atmosphere with one-on-one professional coaching and direct help from its technical partners. This unique blend of racing and education produces drivers that enjoy their on-track experience with competence. For more details, please go to

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