Lap of Monza with Alex Wurz

"There is something very special about Monza. The setting, the noise of theTifosi, the old banking crumbling in the background, the name - I like itall! It's the only super-fast track on the calendar and everything happensvery quickly for the drivers. It takes a few laps to get used to it, even ifyou've been racing all year.

"In terms of driving style, Monza is an incredibly interesting mixture.On the one hand you have to be very harsh with your car by beingsuper-aggressive over the kerbs, but you also have to treat it with respectby being very careful with the throttle because of the low downforce.

"Turn 1 is all about braking. You don't want to out-brake yourself, whichcan easily happen because the approach is so fast - 340kph(211mph) - and you then have to use the kerbs a lot. You must make sure thatyou make a clean exit because the long straight around Curva Grande followsbefore you're back on the brakes from high speed for the second chicane. Thebraking area is bumpy and you then have to jump over the kerbs veryaggressively, which is fun.

"You're in fourth gear for the two Lesmos, which are both very slippery.The first one is slightly banked in your favour, so you have mid-cornerundersteer followed by exit oversteer. It's then very important to have agood rhythm through the second Lesmo because it's very easy to overdrive -and underdrive - the car and you need a good exit. 

"Next up is Ascari, which is one of the best corners in Formula One.Braking is difficult because it's bumpy and once you've turned in, you jumpover the inside kerb. You then get straight back on the power and you shouldaim to do the next right and left-handers just flat. If they are easy-flat,you have too much understeer or too much downforce, and if you can't do itflat you lose too much time by lifting off.

"You then brake very late into the final corner, Parabolica. You hit thebrakes at about 60 metres and change down from seventh to fourth. The car isalways very nervous on the entry and you have to get back on the powerbefore the apex, at which point you don't know where you will hit the whiteline at the exit. It's a ballsy situation. "

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