Bikes: Ramon wins Belgian MX

Team Teka Suzuki WMX1's Steve Ramon took his third consecutive title in the United Telecom Trophy - the Belgian National motocross championship - with a strong showing in the final round of the series held at Pierreux on his factory RM-Z450.

By finishing the day second overall with a 3-2-4 scorecard, Ramon was able to take the crown from under the nose of team-mate Ken De Dycker who suffered a technical problem in the final moto of the series and slipped from first to third in the standings of what many consider to be the strongest domestic series in the entire world.

Ramon was delighted to take the title after suffering some bad luck of his own in earlier rounds. "I always kept the faith so it's nice to be rewarded in the end," he said. "Of course I feel for the way Ken lost the title but I didn't steal it either you know! I had my share of bad luck in Nismes and Balen...

"I hadn't been riding this week and that combined with the demanding track that was hard pack in some places and soft and sandy in others meant that I got some arm pump in the first heat. Luckily things improved after that - I had some good lines and my riding was going good."

De Dycker was understandably disappointed but will till take his misfortune and use it as motivation for this weekend's coming Motocross of Nations. "It sucks to lose out on the title like this and even more so because it was so close to the end," said Ken. "I didn't really need to attack full-on today because I was pretty much in control of the championship but no one could see this coming. Anyway, riding the track was very enjoyable and it makes me want to ride my guts out in Donington even more."

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