Lockie denied podium finish

in Silverstone 24-hourCalum Lockie was denied an overall podium finish in the Silverstone 24-Hour race over the weekend (20/21 September) when the head gasket failed in the Porsche 996GT Cup Car he was sharing with Paul White, Steve Scott, and Philip Harris.Despite some early problems, which left them well down the order, the team turned in a mighty performance through the night and into Sunday morning, only to be put out of the race after 19 hours. "I really felt that second overall and first in class was on the cards," said Calum.Qualifying went well as the four drivers settled in ahead of the round-the-clock marathon and Calum qualified the car third in class and 13th overall. "I thought that maybe we hadn't quite got the best out of the car, but starting there meant we were clear of the serious accident at the start."With two cars eliminated within yards of the start, the race ran it's first 50 minutes behind the safety car. Calum took the first stint and guided the car safely through the accident. "In those situations you have to make split-second decisions," he said. Once the race got fully underway, Calum ran a full stint and was up to third overall and first in class when he came in for the team's first routine pit stop and driver change."The team did a great job in the run-up to the race and really gelled. Into the race we just kept pushing and everyone was doing a really good job," said Calum. Unfortunately, a driveshaft failure and a small oil leak cost them around 25 minutes on Saturday evening. "The team changed the shaft in 16 minutes, which was pretty exceptional, but we went down to 27th overall, 23 laps down."Undeterred, the team set about a fight back and through the night, with Lockie and White leading the driving, clawed their way right back into the top 10. "We just ran sensible lap times and kept up a good pace; it all went very well." By Sunday morning, the recovery was going from strength to strength and the Porsche was up to third overall and second in class. Sadly, with five hours to go, White toured the car into the pits with a blown head gasket and their race was over."I think we could have got second overall as we were catching the Aston at seven or eight seconds a lap," said Calum. "Everyone in the team was gutted as we were on for a good result. But it still rates as one of my most enjoyable 24-hour races, with a great team and great drivers."Even though they missed the last five hours of the race, the Porsche was classified ninth in class and 30th overall."My thanks go to Paul White and Steve Scott, the car owners and Dunlop, Grand Prix Racewear and Brian James Trailers for their support. And a special thanks goes to all the team for a job well done," said Calum.

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