KIMI - Fighting and hoping

First of all I need to start winning again. Obviously, the championship  now depends on the results from my main competitors. It's not over yet,  but it's not in my control. If they are on the podium for the remaining  races, then I cannot win.

Last year from midseason onwards I found a great set-up and I was able  win many races in the second half of the season. For a long time now my  aim has been to work with the engineers to overcome the tyre temperature issue.

The car is very competitive once the tyres are up to temperature.  That's what we are looking for this weekend in Singapore.

For me there is nothing else to do, but go there and just focus on the winning. We will give it all we have and go flat out race by race. This is  motor racing, you just try to win a race. Nothing else matters.  Who knows, suddenly everything can still change.

I know I have been repeating myself, but I say it again. We are here  just to win. I don't want to go there just to hang around. There would  not be any sense doing that. Obviously, Monza was terrible for me, but after that we had an encouraging test in Mugello, I was the fastest on my day.

The balance has been good in the last two race once we got the tyres up  to temperature. In the test we tried a few new things and improved the car.

Now I have been working with the business partners in Dubai and just  recharging my batteries for the last part of the season. All the time I  have had a very fascinating feeling, because Singapore is getting  closer. It's just a big and new challenge in every way. I have been  waiting for Singapore ever since I heard about it coming to the calender.

It's going to be a real challenge for all the teams and drivers. I  don't feel racing at night will be a major issue. They hace already done this in MotoGP. Actually it looked great. I am a night person, too. I like to sleep  long and my whole body really wakes up late. Obviously this kind of a  new schedule suits me fine.

It doesn't matter at what time is the start of the race. When you put  your helmet on and you take your place in the grid, there is so much  adrenaline storming in your veins, that you forget everything else and just go for it 100% every time.

They say that it will rain in Singapore when the evening comes. Well,  we see it there. It's no use to worry about that. It will be the same  for everybody, any way.

I think we have a good chance to fight for victory in all the  remaining races starting from Singapore.

When you look at the results from the ‘street’ races this year things have not gone well for me. But it doesn't mean  that I wouldn't like the street races any more. I sincerely like them all, it's a thrilling moment when you have a well balanced car  there between the walls and really go for it.

I did a day in the simulator last week in Italy. I tried the Singapore  circuit and just saw how the corners are. I'm looking forward to racing  at night. Its something new - everything there in a brand new experience.

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