Bikes SPEEDWAY news and fixtures

(SPEEDWAY 1)POOLE boss Neil Middleditch insists his side will treat Lakeside with respect in next week's Elite League Grand Final.Middleditch saw his side breeze through with a 59-33 win over Ipswich at Wimborne Road and will travel to Purfleet for the first leg next Monday.He said: "It's always a tough place to go and we need to keep it as close as possible before our home leg."(SPEEDWAY 2)PROUD Lakeside owner Stuart Douglas sung the praises of team manager Jo n Cook after seeing his side reach the Elite League Grand Final.The Hammers thumped Swindon 56-33 but they now have injury concerns as Kauko Nieminen suffered a broken collarbone.Said Douglas: "Through all our injury problems Jon has kept it together with some key moves and it's a great moment for us to reach the final."(FIXTURES)WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1:PREMIER LEAGUE PLAY-OFF SEMI-FINAL 1st leg: King's Lynn v Rye House 7.30 YOUNG SHIELD: Birmingham v Berwick 7.45THURSDAY OCTOBER 2:YOUNG SHIELD: Redcar v Reading 7.30KIM JANSSON BENEFIT: Ipswich 7.30TOP GUN INDIVIDUAL: Sheffield 7.45FRIDAY OCTOBER 3:PREMIER LEAGUE PLAY-OFF SEMI-FINAL 1st leg: Edinburgh v Somerset 7.30 YOUNGSHIELD: Scunthorpe v Workington 7.30CHALLENGE: Weymouth v Swindon Sprockets 7.15 SOMERSET JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP:Somerset 7.30SATURDAY OCTOBER 4:PREMIER LEAGUE: Stoke v Reading 7.30YOUNG SHIELD: Berwick v Birmingham 7pmCONFERENCE LEAGUE: Rye House v Weymouth 7pm ARLINGTON TROPHY: Eastbourne 7.30SUNDAY OCTOBER 5:YOUNG SHIELD: Reading v Redcar 6pmSCOTTISH CUP: Glasgow v Edinburgh 4.30CONFERENCE LEAGUE PLAY-OFF SEMI-FINAL: Boston v Redcar 7.30

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