Trident GP2 Asia -Shanghai Race 1

#26 - Giacomo Ricci, 13th

#27 - Chris Van der Drift, 7th

After the bad luck suffered in  qualifying, relegating Chris Van der Drift and Giacomo Ricci in the second half of Race 1`s grid, Trident Racing experienced a good recovery.

Van der Drift clinched the points zone, entering the top-10 and ending up in 7th, while Ricci overcame an early technical issue by taking 13th place after finding himself at the back of the pack. Thanks to the reverse grid for the top-8 drivers, Van der Drift will be taking off from the 2nd spot, while Ricci will be starting from row 7. As Trident Racing  managed to solve the problems reported by drivers during qualifying, all the team is expecting a positive ending for the first round of the GP2 Asia Series at Shanghai. Race 2  is set to start at 4:30 AM European time (GMT+2), with live coverage by satellite channel Eurosport.

Chris Van der Drift

“I`m really glad for today`s result: I ended a tough race in a very profitable manner and without making mistakes. After the team solved the problem we had in qualifying, I finally had the chance to use the 100% of my potential as well as the car`s. I believe we have still some work to do to catch the top-running drivers, but I`m really looking forward to it. The pit-stop was really fast and well-scheduled: when I came back on-track I just kept my position. We`ll count on a really good starting spot for tomorrow`s Race 2”.

Giacomo Ricci

“A few moments before the start, the water overheating alarm popped out, and the engine`s revs dropped down shortly after. I was able to take off, but I was dead last  with a huge gap. I improved my performance lap by lap, making my way up the order and ending the day with a 13th place finish. It felt bad because without that issue, 8th place could have definitely been in our frame, with the resulting pole spot for tomorrow`s Race 2. Our starting spot for Race 2 is not bad though, and I hope to put together a good performance”.

Alessandro Alunni Bravi, Managing Director

"We feel we must really praise the great job done by Chris Van der Drift Today.  He took 7th place, showing an impressive race vision, as well as a consistent and fast pace and a great maturity in managing the Safety-Car periods. It wasn`t supposed to be easy for a rookie to resist the attacks of two talented and experienced drivers like Filippi and Valsecchi, but Chris managed to control both of them, pulling away since the re-start in both occasions.

"Our car was missing something on a performance point of view compared to the ones of the main front runners, but I`m glad Chris was able to capitalize and take the best possible result. It was a good reward for the choice, made by the team and me, to invest in our toughest 2008 International Formula Master rival. Giacomo Ricci ended a tough race by showing a great pace too. He was able to recover well, after losing the chances to fight for a points finish at the start.

"Giacomo did a very consistent job with the team, and I think he`s heading to a steady progress in tomorrow`s Race 2. Trident Racing also shown a good organizational level, catching the right strategy and providing drivers with two fast pit-stops: today`s strong work is just the pinnacle of a longtime planning. I hope the team will be enabled to continue at same level in the next future".

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