Euroseries 3000


At the end of an exciting qualifying session, the Bull Racing driver Nicolas Prost gets the pole position on the Spanish Jerez track, sixth event of the F.3000 Championship, ahead of his main rival for the European title Fabio Onidi (GP Racing) and of TP Formula’s Adam Khan.

At the end of the 30 minutes, Prost is the only driver to go faster than 1’49’’000, stopping the clocks in 1’48’’639: with this result Nicolas also gets the pole position point going to 40 points, tied to Fabio Onidi (GP Racing), second today, ahead of the Anglo-Pakistan Adam Khan (TP Formula) and of A1GP Team Brazil’s driver Felipe Guimaraes (Sighinolfi Autoracing). Fifth place for the second GP driver Fabrizio Crestani, who manages to stay in front of Omar Leal (Durango) and of the two Sighinolfi Autoracing’s and Bull Racing’s drivers David Garza and Bruno Mendez.

Rounding off the top ten Fabio Beretta (Bull Racing) and Francesco Dracone (Emmebi Motorsport).

Sundy 19 October 10.30 race 2 (21 laps) Live Nuvolari TV (SKY 218)

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