Formula Ford Festival transmission

Pit Lane Productions has confirmed transmission details of its Formula Ford Festival 2008 television programmes.

Three separate shows will be aired across Sky Sports and Motors TV. Sky Sports will air a stand-alone programme on December 4th featuring the Duratec action from the weekend, with the heats and semi-finals included as well as the all-important final itself.

In addition, Sky Sports will air a dedicated Kent report, lasting for 40 minutes, in its popular weekly World Motorsports show. This will include the heats and semi-finals along with the Festival final.

Motors TV will be broadcasting a specially-made show that will include the Duratec and Kent finals and will, like the Sky Sports shows, be full of action and interviews.

Transmission details and dates can be found below:

Motors TV

November 22nd, 4pm

Sky Sports

December 3rd, 8pm Sky Sports Extra

December 4th, 3am Sky Sports Extra

December 4th, 7am Sky Sports 3

December 4th, 10am Sky Sports Extra

Sky Sports World Motorsports

November 17th, 7.30pm Sky Sports Extra

November 18th, 1am Sky Sports Extra

November 18th, 10am Sky Sports 2

November 19th, 3am Sky Sports 1

November 19th, 2.30pm Sky Sports 2

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