Tonykart Junior Team statement

 following CIK ruling on positive anti-doping test

We can confirm that a small trace of cannabis was found in Tonykart Junior driver Flavio Camponeschi’s sample, which he provided to the stewards at the CIK-FIA KF2 World Cup at La Conca, Italy in September 2008.

When team manager, Paul Spencer was informed by the panel of stewards of their findings, he asked his driver what had happened and Flavio explained the situation to him.

Flavio said he had attended a party, where a small amount of the drug in a ‘joint’ had been passed around. With an uncharacteristic loss of judgment, he momentarily smoked it and immediately regretted doing so.

A small amount of cannabis can stay in the body for 80 days, explaining why Flavio was found to have a trace amount in his system.

Flavio deeply regrets his actions and wholly accepts the CIK’s punishment – a 6 month ban and the loss of his World Cup victory. Paul Spencer said, “What he did was utterly stupid. Here at the Tonykart Junior Team we deplore the use of drugs but I think we need to apply some common sense to the situation. We cannot condone his behaviour and that will be dealt with internally. However, Flavio has shown great remorse and is undergoing further education on the dangers of drugs. He has also promised to use his experience to explain to young kart racers why drugs have no place in a champion’s life. He has also offered to work closely with the CIK-FIA Anti-Doping Commission to publicise their doping awareness and prevention campaign.”

Flavio says, “I wish to apologise to everyone –my fans, the team, my competitors, the officials, my family and especially, Mr. Robazzi (the owner of Tonykart). I was naïve and selfish. That one moment has undone so much hard work and I am genuinely sorry for that. I will do everything I can to repair the damage I have done.”

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