Red Bull in Barcelona

Test Day Three                   

Driver:       Sebastian VettelCar:          RB4 - 05Time:         1:19.295, Laps: 75 

Fastest Lap: See above

Circuit length: 4.655 km

On the final day of this three day test, Sebastian Vettel once again set the fastesttime   of   the   day,   working   on   a   programme   centred   on   evaluation   of   theBridgestone slick tyres to be used in 2009. The car ran throughout with the levelsof downforce that can be expected next year.

"It was good to be back in a race car again, for the first time since Brazil," saidSebastian. "Running the 2009 slick tyres was very interesting and very differentto what Formula 1 has been used to for the past few years. It was also a usefulcouple of days for me from the point of view of getting to know the engineers andthe rest of the team. It is important to develop a common understanding betweenus and winter testing is the ideal opportunity to do just that."

"This was a successful three days for us and we completed all the high priorityitems on our job list," said chief test engineer, Ian Morgan. "As for Sebastian, hesettled in very quickly and it actually felt as though he'd been with us for a longtime already, which is a good sign! We now have plenty of data, particularly onthe tyre front, which we will put to good use at the next test session, at the Jereztrack next month."

The Jerez test runs from 9th to 11th December.

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