Honda Barcelona test report

Wednesday 19 November Track   Circuit de Catalunya, Spain Drivers   Jenson Button / Bruno Senna  

No of Laps   94 laps / 107 laps  Best Lap Time  01:21.387 / 1:21.676 Kilometres Covered 936km Track Length  4.655km 

Total Test Laps  585 laps  Total Test Kilometres 2723km 

Weather    Cold and sunny  Ambient Temperature Maximum 18°C Track Temperature  Maximum 23°C 


The Honda Racing F1 Team today concluded the first test of the winter at theCircuit de Catalunya in Barcelona with Jenson Button and Bruno Senna at thewheel of the Honda cars.

On his second day of running, Jenson continued his set-up programme with themodified RA108 running on slick tyres. He worked through a series ofaerodynamic and suspension evaluations to provide further feedback for thedevelopment of the team's 2009 car.

On the other side of the garage, Bruno had his opportunity for a full day ofrunning today. His focus during the morning was to establish a good baselineset-up however traffic frustrated his new tyre runs. Bruno continued to workon improving the car in the afternoon completing two further new tyre runsand setting consistent lap times.

The team's next test will take place at the Circuito de Jerez in Spain fromTuesday 9 to Thursday 11 December.

JENSON BUTTON"It's nice to be back in a car that I enjoy driving. Taking a lot of thedownforce off and running on slick tyres suits my driving style a lot morethan grooved tyres. I've had a fun couple of days and it's been very usefulas we have tested many things which should help us with the new car. It'sbeen a positive start to 2009 already and I'm very pleased. I've just got tokeep pushing the team hard now to get the improvements that we are hoping toachieve for next year."

BRUNO SENNA"Today has been a really good day and I'm very pleased. I've become a lotmore comfortable and confident in the car and I think that showed in the laptime, both in the actual time and also the consistency. We found some goodset-ups and we were able to make a lot of progress through the day. Whetherwhat I did today is good enough is for the team to decide now and I respectthat. But for me personally, for my first time in a Formula One car, I haveto be happy with what I achieved today. Driving a Formula One car is a veryspecial feeling and it is very easy to know why it is the pinnacle ofmotorsport. It's very different to anything else you can drive and I justwanted to go faster and faster. Aside from the hard work and focus here thisweek I have really enjoyed myself. The Honda team are very professional andI am proud to have spent the time with them during this very special weekfor me."

ROSS BRAWN"The first test of the winter in Barcelona has seen us commence our on-trackpreparations for 2009, a season which will see the most significant changein Formula One's technical regulations for many years. We have been runningtwo modified RA108 chassis with an aerodynamic package representative of thedownforce levels required for next season.

"We have also conducted an intensive tyre programme with the BridgestonePotenza slick tyres. Having been sensible in the use of our tyre allocationso far this year, we are in the best possible position to gain informationabout the new slicks ahead of the launch of our new car.  Whilst thetemperatures have been quite cool this week, which has affected thebehaviour of the tyres, both the team and drivers are happy to see FormulaOne back on slicks.

"In addition to our main test programme, we took the opportunity to evaluatethe emerging talents of Lucas Di Grassi and Bruno Senna. Both drivers spentone and a half days in our car which has enabled the team to assess theirperformance and level of technical skill. Lucas and Bruno have bothperformed admirably over the course of the week and their evident enthusiasmand commitment has made them a pleasure to work with. We will now take sometime to carefully consider our findings from this test before reaching anyfurther conclusions."

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