Targa Wrest Point Cracks 100 Entries

Well there were the doubters but entries continue to come in for the inaugural running of Targa Wrest Point. The pleasing thing for us is the amount of Tasmanian entries we have received along with a number of new entries, which will give the event a very different feel and there could be a couple of surprises along the way.

Local knowledge is sure to be an advantage, especially on the stages that have not been run before.

With less than 30 spots left, we ask you to not wait too much longer to enter if you are considering joining what will be the largest short course field assembled since the 2005 Rally Tasmania.

Entering is as easy as clicking the link below and if you have any enquiries email at Helen.coad@octagon.com


Targa Wrest Point Course The course is now complete and is a little different than the version announced last month. The good news is we have added some length to it and a 2nd run through Longley! We knew you would be happy about that!

Recce Notes will be sent to competitors in the days ahead.

Our official notes provider, Rally Notes also has pace notes ready. To purchase your set simply call Ron on 0418 145 707

Stage Name Distance Day One- Saturday 31st January TS1 Lucaston 3 TS2 *Dover (Police Point) 17 TS3 Geeveston 27 TS4 Tahune Airwalk 22 TS5 Woodbridge (lengthened) 11 TS6 Oyster Cove 12 TS7 Cygnet (lengthened on waterfront) 12 TS8 Woodbridge II 11 TS9 Oyster Cove II 12 Day Two- Sunday 1st February TS10 Glenlusk 10 TS11 Risdon Brook 7 TS12 Longley 12 TS13 Pelverata (Sandfly start) 12 TS14 Longley II 12 Total Competitive Distance 180 (approximate)

* Dover is undergoing a major upgrade, so you will be best served to recce this stage after Xmas.

Supplementary Regulations are available now simply by clicking the link below:


Targa Tasmania Course Close to Completion

The course is nearing completion and we will have this out soon and the regs are now available simply by clicking the link below:


As part of the policy to share Targa with as many communities as possible to ensure all of Tasmania receives benefit from the event, we will have three new lunch break locations in 2009.

After many years of supporting the event with the provision of amazing stages like South Riana and Gunns Plains, the Central Coast area will see its first lunch break in the booming seaside town of Penguin.

Beaconsfield has seen a street stage for the last two years and whilst the stage is not in the schedule next year, the famous mining town will host a lunch break for the first time.

To break up Day 5 a little better, Hamilton will host a lunch break for the first time and after travelling through the town every year since Targa started, the locals will be very excited to see the cars stop.

Will the V-Spec Make It To Targa Tasmania in 2009? Already showing that it is more than a competitive car, the R35 GTR is sure to be a force at Targa Tasmania next year, and if names are anything to go by the Victory Specification is staking an early claim. The big question now is can anyone get their hands on a V-Spec and get it ready for late April?

The debate rages as to how fast the GTR is at Nurburgring but one thing that is a certainty is that the V-Spec will be even faster and therefore could be the car to beat next year.

To give you a glimpse of the V-Spec check out the pic below and click on the link to see some footage from the world famous Nurburgring.


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