Bikes: SPEEDWAY news


PETERBOROUGH have completed their line-up by recalling club asset Ales Dryml after the Czech spent last season at Wolverhampton.Dryml finished as the club's second-highest rider in 2005, but his average dropped to 4.53 last year - which the Panthers feel he can significantly improve upon.Promoter Mick Bratley said: "I think returning to Alwalton will do the world of good for Ales, and could well kick-start his career."


FORMER Sheffield skipper Andre Compton may be back on track this season - despite retiring at the end of 2008.Compton says he would consider riding in Testimonial-type even! ts, and there are two big early-season meetings at Owlerton.He said: "It's not as if I've lost the ability to ride a speedway bike. I'm going to keep some of my equipment because it would be nice to do meetings like that."


COVENTRY promoter Colin Pratt has clashed with Eastbourne counterpart Bob Dugard over the transfer of Eagles star Edward Kennett.Kennett wants to join the Bees but Dugard is reported to have agreed a cash-plus-rider deal with another club.Pratt said: "It will go to arbitration because the rider will always go where he wants to go. Bob must remember that he is not dealing with cattle in a cattle market."(SPEEDWAY 4)

SOMERSET have signed Jay Herne to take the second doubling-up spot in their team alongside Brendan Johnson.Herne gained good Premier League experience in a spell with Birmingham in the closing stages of last season.General manager David Croucher said: "Jay is delighted to be joining Somerset, and has already stated his ambition to finish the season in the main body of the team and not as reserve."

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