Motors TV Weekly Highlights

7th – 13th February

Dubai 24 Hours

If you've ever been to a motorshow, seen a small engineering company's interpretation of a beefed-up road car and wondered where on earth it'll ever race, then look no further than the Dubai 24 Hours. Run in early January and now in its fourth year, the event has become an unofficial season curtain raiser for the motorsport world. The Middle-East's first round-the-clock enduro attracts a smorgasbord of machinery, from the obligatory Porsche 911 to the truly exotic BMW 120d. We’ve performed a minor miracle by squeezing 24 hours of action into this 60 minute highlights package, mainly because the last hour alone features a barnstorming final push for victory between four teams.

Dubai 24 Hours    Saturday, 7th February, 16:00Le Touquet Enduropale

Back in 1975, some bright spark decided to run a Motocross race on a beach in France. A rather modest (by today’s standards) 286 riders took part and a legend was born. In 2008, more than 1000 professional and amateur competitors turned up to take on the sandy shores of Le Touquet, Stella and Merlimont on a myriad of two and four wheeled machines. The 15.5km course features ruts, jumps and ‘whoops’, much like its man-made cousins used throughout the MX season, and is one of the last true spectacles in motorcycle racing.    

Le Touquet EnduropaleThursday, 12th February, 20:00 GT Academy Ever since it first hit our shelves a decade ago, Gran Turismo has been the benchmark all other virtual racing sims have strived to match. So real was the gameplay in Sony’s latest offering that a plan was hatched to find the best two button-bashers the world over with the chance to compete alongside ex grand prix and Le Mans winner Johnny Herbert at this year’s proper metal and horsepower Dubai 24 Hours. Geeks across the globe rejoiced and GT Academy was born.  GT AcademySunday, 8th February, 20:30AMA SupercrossRound three of the AMA Supercross season comes from the misleadingly spiritual sounding Angel Stadium in Caliv-or-nye-ae where once again the Open and Lites categories will be ripping up the dirt.AMA Supercross Open / Lites, Round 3, CaliforniaTuesday, 10th February, 19:00 / 20:00


For those loving their American off-roaders, have we got a treat for you. It’s only the latest round of the CORR and WSORR championships from LA and Michigan. For those not quite so well versed in Stateside mud-pluggers, the two series’ pit bespoke racing pick-ups against one another with the action taking place in what must be a damn big stadium.      CORR, Round 6, LA / WSORR, Round 6, MichiganMonday, 9th January, 21:00 / 22:00IHBA Drag Boat SeriesIsn’t this just so very American? I mean in Europe, we like our boats to be refined, elegant, sophisticated. In short, an extension of oneself. But across the pond things are very different. It’s all, “My dinghy’s quicker than your dinghy.” “No it’s not.”“Yes it is.”“Prove it.”And a drag race ensues. Still, it all looks quite dangerous which only adds to the entertainment. 

IHBA Drag Boat SeriesFriday, 13th February, 22:00

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