Red Bull Builds on a Solid Platform

Red Bull Racing announced today that its existing partnership with PlatformComputing has been increased and extended for a further five years, until 2014. Thenew and far larger deal means the team will continue to work with PlatformComputing on a greater level to develop its computing capabilities and efficiencies.

Platform's solution, Platform LSF, intelligently schedules workload and dynamicallyallocates High Performance Compute (HPC) resource, ensuring that Red Bull Racinggets maximum return on its significant investment in simulation tools and hardware.

Easy-to-use reporting software enables Red Bull Racing's technical experts to seewhat information is being processed in the server room. Since Platform Computingjoined the team, its software and expertise has improved throughput of engineeringanalysis by a significant 20%. This is only the beginning and Red Bull Racing looksforward to even more efficiencies as the partnership develops.

Platform Computing's logos will be visible across the Formula One team's partnerbranding areas for 2009 and beyond.

Red Bull Racing's Team Principal, Christian Horner said: "I am delighted that theInnovation Partnership with Platform Computing is continuing, as we rely heavily onthese relationships. We are at the cutting edge of technology and how we manageour data and processing, along with how we apply our resources for all design andsimulation applications, is integral to our business. Our Innovation Partnerships areextremely important to us."

Platform Computing's Christoph Reichert, Vice President HPC Sales EMEA, said:"We look forward to developing our relationship with Red Bull Racing and playing akey role in helping the team rise in the rankings over the next few seasons.  In asport where literally a hundredth of a second can mean the difference betweenwinning or losing, we are excited about the role our HPC technology plays inimproving the performance of the team's F1 cars."

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