WORKINGTON and Coventry youngster Adam Roynon has suffered serious injuriesafter a crash during practice at King's Lynn.Roynon is in a specialist head trauma unit in Cambridge with a blood clot onthe brain and a broken bone in his neck.King's Lynn co-promoter Jonathan Chapman said: "It was one of those freakcrashes where he hit the track, not the fence, and we all wish Adam well."


TOM P. Madsen has completed the line-up for his eagerly awaited testimonialmeeting at King's Lynn on Friday, March 20.Grand Prix superstar Hans Andersen has added his name to the list andAustralian Kevin Doolan joins the Dane in completing the 16-man cast.Said Madsen: "I'm delighted to have these two guys on board for my meeting.They are both great riders in their own right."


GLASGOW have been handed a massive pre-season boost with a new clubsponsorship deal.Plant hire and small tool hire specialists 'A Plant' have joined the clubahead of the new campaign.Tigers co-promoter Alan Dick said: "I appreciate that the current financialclimate is not one conducive to sponsorship so it's doubly pleasing to beable to bring in A-Plant as our main sponsors for 2009."


SHEFFIELD have been forced to pull the plug on their planned pre-seasonpress and practice session on Wednesday.The Owlerton club say it is down to circumstances beyond their control andare now looking to alternative practice opportunities.Co-promoter David Hoggart said: "We appreciate our rider will bedisappointed and we are looking at getting them together at a differenttime, possibly at the Ozchem meeting next Sunday."


BJARNE Pedersen will ride for former club Newcastle at his testimonialmeeting on April 18.The Dane started his British career with the Diamonds with two seasons onTyneside before switching to Dorset. He is now regarded as a Poole legend.He said: "Newcastle were my first club over here and I think it's a greatchance to join their team for one-night only in my testimonial." (SPEEDWAY 2) WORKINGTON owner Keith Denham is in constant touch with the family ofinjured ace Adam Roynon.Roynon suffered serious injuries during a Great Britain practice session onFriday.Said Denham: "It's dreadful when this has happened at a time when he was ontop of the world, looking forward to the new season and thrill over hiscall-up to the international squad which is always an honour."

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