GP1 FBRE completes positive testing


Circuit: Paul Ricard - Track Configuration 2D: 3.586 Km

Driver: Lucas Di Grassi Dani Clos

Morning Time: 1’09”536 - 1st place   1’10”467 - 19th place

Afternoon Time: 1’09”759 - 2nd place 1’09”981 - 8th place

The three day test session at Paul Ricard finished yesterday with Fat Burner Racing Engineering drivers, Lucas Di Grassi and Dani Clos, on second and eight place respectively. Di Grassi, however, was the fastest driver of the day after registering the best time (1’09”536) during the morning session on the track configuration 2D.

The first test of the 2009 season could not have been better for Fat Burner Racing Engineering. The hard work carried out during the winter period paid off in France, where the team’s drivers, Brazilian Lucas Di Grassi and Spanish Dani Clos, were constantly fast and competitive throughout the three days of testing.

The team started to prepare the upcoming season without any problems, partially due to the quick familiarization and adaptation of both drivers with the team. As a result, Lucas proved to be one of the contenders for the title this season, after finishing second the first test day, topping the times- sheet on Thursday, while setting a new GP2 record, and being second on Friday.

Lucas’ team-mate, rookie Dani Clos, feeling already very comfortable at the wheel of the GP2 car, left a very good impression after surpassing everybody’s expectations and managed to be in competitive positions during all these test days.

After this positive first GP2 test in 2009, Fat Burner Racing Engineering is returning to Spain in order to get ready for the second and last pre-season test, which will take place in Barcelona from the 23rd to the 25th of March.

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