Bikes: Tom P. Madsen Testimonial

A HOST of top-class riders will be gracing the shale for Tom P. Madsen’s Testimonial at King’s Lynn on Friday, March 20 Madsen has been busy all winter organising everything for his big night at the Norfolk Arena and the opportunity to celebrate his ten-years in British speedway is now almost upon us.The meeting will be run under a Four Tea

m Tournament format, with proceedings getting underway with a full parade and presentation of riders at 7.00pm.

Each team will be managed by one of Madsen’s former British bosses, with ex-Berwick owner Peter Waite taking charge of Tom P’s quartet.  The Bandits were the Dane’s first British club back in 1999 and, to this day he still remains an asset of the Border club.

With the preparations finally complete Madsen is now looking forward to the meeting itself. He said: “With all the organisation that goes into something like this I haven’t had too much time to think about the actual racing, but now that it is just days away I’m very excited about it.“I’ve really enjoyed racing in Britain since first coming over here in 1999 and I’ve been lucky enough to ride for some good clubs and promotions.

“When we started talking about the organisation for this event I was keen for each of my clubs to be represented in some way. That is aided by having some of my old promoters and team managers taking charge of each of the four teams.

“I’m really pleased with the quality of line-up we’ve managed to assemble as well. It’s got a bit of everything, I think.

“We have some current and ex Grand Prix riders in Hans Andersen, Scott Nicholls, Kenneth Bjerre and Niels Kristian Iversen, plus also a host of top-quality Premier League guys. Add to that the current crop of King’s Lynn riders, some former home favourites and track specialists, and it all adds up to be a very competitive meeting on what I believe is one of the best race tracks in the country.“The riders have been great to deal with and I’m still getting phone calls now from others who would like to take part. Also the guys and gals working behind the scenes have also been brilliant. In particular I’d like to thank Kerri Drew as she’s made things so much easier for me and my partner, Samantha. I couldn’t have done it without Kerri’s and everyone else’s help, so I hope it’s a successful evening for their benefit as well.

“Having two of the best referees in the business officiating should liven things up a little and will no doubt create plenty of discussion afterwards.

It’ll be interesting to see how that develops on the night, but it is something I always set out to do as soon as I got a date for the meeting.

“I’ve also got two great guys on the microphones in Kevin Long and Paul Hunsdon and their excellent individual styles of presentation should make for an entertaining evening off the track.“To add to the occasion, I’ve also booked a local band called ‘6ft Something’ to keep the fans amused before the parade. They will be performing from 6.05pm-6.45pm and their mix of classic and modern Punk/Rock/Ska covers should start the evening off nicely.

“All we need now is the weather to be kind to us.“I trust the fans will go home afterwards having been fully entertained and their enjoyment and appreciation of things is very important to me on a night like this.“I’m nervously counting down the hours now and I can’t wait for it all tostart.” 

TEAMS:TEAM SHAUN HAGEN MOTOR SERVICESNiels Kristian Iversen, Travis McGowan, Tomas Topinka, Christian Henry Team Manager: Keith Chapman

TEAM INDUSTRIAL LINKSHans Andersen, Ulrich Ostergaard, Darcy Ward, Chris Schramm Team Manager: John Adams

TEAM P.K. FENCINGScott Nicholls, Davey Watt, Mark Lemon, Jan Graversen Team Manager: Laurence Rogers

TEAM HAYLEY EAST ANGLIAKenneth Bjerre, Simon Stead, Kevin Doolan, Tom P Madsen Team Manager: Peter Waite Meeting reserves: Emiliano Sanchez, Adam Allott


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