HSCC sends out call for F5000 old boys

The Historic Sports Car Club has issued a call to all former Formula 5000 racers to join a celebration of the category at the Oulton Park Gold Cup on 30/31 August.

To mark the 40th anniversary of the inaugural British Formula 5000 Championship race, the category is being celebrated at Oulton Park and the club is now trying to locate as many former F5000 racers as possible.

The race weekend will include a grid full of the thundering 5-litre racing cars in action in the HSCC's Historic Formula 5000/Formula 2 Championship.

However, to mark the 40th anniversary, all former F5000 racers are being invited to Oulton Park to share in the celebration and re-live the glory days of a category that was always a great favourite with the fans.

Having been introduced in the US in 1968, Formula 5000 came to Britain for the 1969 season. As well as a British championship, the cars also raced alongside Formula 1 cars in non-championship F1 races like the Oulton Park Gold Cup. Then, in 1973, the Gold Cup became a dedicated Formula 5000 race before the category evolved into Group 8 in the middle 1970s.

Holding this unique celebration at the beautiful Cheshire parkland track has added significance as the inaugural Formula 5000 race in Britain was held at Oulton Park over the Easter weekend in early April 1969. Peter Gethin won in his McLaren M10B from David Hobbs (Surtees TS5) and Keith Holland (Lola T142).

The links between the HSCC and Formula 5000 go back to the early days of the category, as Grahame White, now Chief Executive of the HSCC, was Chairman of the Formula 5000 Association in the early 1970s. White was also closely involved with Chevron's F5000 racing activities in the same period.

"I am very much looking forward to seeing as many past F5000 drivers as possible who can attend the Gold Cup. I've already spoken to Peter Gethin who said he would love to come and he will make every effort to be there," said White.

Any former F5000 racers who would like to know more about the event should contact the HSCC office on 01327 858400.

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