Memo Gidley Inspires Future Stars

 Grand-Am Rolex Series driver, Memo Gidley, took some time out of a busy week of getting ready for Round One of the SuperKarts USA Kart series race this weekend at Infineon Raceway.  This morning Memo spoke as part of career week at his local Lynwood Elementary School “No Excuses Career Day”.  Speaking to 3rd, 4th and 5 graders, Memo spent time talking about his profession as a race car driver, his struggles, his successes, and to give advice to kids who are striving to be their best in whatever career they may choose.  “I was raised to chase my dreams, to love what I did, and to work hard to be successful,” said Gidley.  “I believe that if you do this, you will be successful and happy.”

There is really not a better spokesman to talk about reaching your dreams than Memo Gidley.  Having come from very humble beginnings raised on a boat on the San Francisco Bay, then going to his first car race as a spectator at 20 years old, to driving Indy Cars seven years after that, Memo overcame unbelievable odds to reach his goals and continues to chase dreams and goals in a career that he loves. 

“There are many benefits of being a race car driver that I never counted on when I started,” said Gidley.  “One of the most satisfying perks is getting opportunities to be invited to things like this.  When I was a kid, I was doing kids stuff like riding my bike, playing with frogs, having mud fights with my friends.  Even though I was just a kid, I was still fortunate to be surrounded by my parents and other role models that had a pronounced affect on shaping who I was and what I was able to become.  I am fortunate and privileged to be a race car driver and to be in a position to inspire kids in my neighborhood to go after their dreams and be their best.”

Memo Gidley currently drives for the #77 McDonalds Daytona Prototype in the Rolex Grand-Am Series for Doran Racing. The next race takes place at the Bosch Engineering 250 at Virginia International Raceway April 24-25th.

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