Braun experiences first hot practice

ROSS BRAWN"The practice sessions in Malaysia today have been our first experience ofhigher track and air temperatures so we made the most of the availablerunning to learn how the car, tyres and engine work in these conditions. Westruggled a little with the balance of the car and at the moment it is notperforming quite as well as in Australia last weekend. However I amconfident that we are on the right path and with some hard work overnight,we should be in a good position for the rest of the weekend."

RUBENS BARRICHELLO"We achieved a good day's work today on a challenging track where it isalways difficult to find the right balance with the car and tyres. Ourevaluations with the prime and the option tyre were particularly useful andalthough we still have some work to do on the balance, overall it was apositive day."

JENSON BUTTON"We completed some useful running today to work on improving the balance ofthe car. My biggest problem was that we are locking the tyres and brakesvery easily so we need to have a good look at this. We're not quite thereyet but we are going in the right direction and I'm confident we willachieve the optimum set-up ready for qualifying tomorrow."

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