V8 Utes Get Dunn At Board Level

The Yokohama V8 Ute Racing Series has seen change at board level this week with V8 Ute driver Ben Dunn joining Denis Cribbin as the appointed Ford shareholder Directors to the Board.

V8 Ute stalwart Ian McAlister stepped down from his position as a Ford director of the Australian V8 Ute Racing Series into a non-governance role as Series Patron.  McAlister is the first person to have the honour of V8 Ute Patron bestowed on him in recognition of his contribution to the development of the series. 

Along with SPHERIX Category Manager Craig Denyer, he was instrumental in the creation of the V8 Ute Category and also competed in the Series since its inception from 2001 to 2007.  McAlister's best year was in 2003 when his two car Coopers Pale Ale/McAlister Ford team was dominant with team driver Warren Luff going on to take the championship.

The Ford dealer from Young in NSW is excited about his new role and looks forward to one day again getting behind the wheel of a Ute.

 "I am really happy about the Patrons role and very proud too. I will miss the day to day involvement in the Series, however very content in the fact that the Series has developed into a true feeder category, provides such entertaining racing, and is now a key support category to the V8 Supercar Series," said McAlister. 

Ben Dunn will step into McAlister's former role as Ford Director effective immediately and is looking forward to the experience. "I'm excited about stepping into the role and believe that I can contribute significantly to the further development of the Series."

"Macca has been a great asset to the Series over the years and I'm sure he will continue this as Patron," said Dunn.  Dunn has been racing in the V8 Utes since 2006 and has shared many a drive with his father Colin in the Storage King Falcon. Australian V8 Ute Racing's Independent Chairman David McCowatt welcomed Ben to the Board and believes the shareholders have made an excellent choice. "Ben has been involved in a variety of successful business ventures in his own right, we believe he will add a new skill set to the Board and help steer the Company to further success and growth in what is a difficult time." The Sydneysider joins fellow Board Directors Denis Cribbin, Andrew Eglinton and Kim Jane. Along with McAlister, Dunn has a good insight into the Series as a driver himself and will be on track at Winton for Round Two of the Series 1 - 3 May. 

The top three drivers heading into Round Two are as follows: 3 Gary Baxter Sage Automation Racing 132 Points58 Ryal Harris Global Trading School Racing 124 Points27 Kim Jane Kim Jane Motorsport 116 Points

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