(SPEEDWAY 1)LAKESIDE have moved quickly to sign Australian international Davey Watt -the man who captained Poole to the Elite League and KO Cup double this year.Watt has been a regular guest for the Hammers in recent years and jumped atthe chance of a move to Purfleet with the Pirates having to shed over fourpoints from their team total.Lakeside co-promoter Jon Cook said: "Davey's signature is a great start toour team plans and I know he is a very popular rider with our fans and agreat character to have in the team. "Davey is a great signing for us and the fact we were his preferred choiceonce his place at Poole was in question is very gratifying."(SPEEDWAY 2)EDWARD Kennett will be back in the Elite League with parent club Coventrynext season.The GB international is currently serving out a suspension after hissilencer transgression last summer, but will return to Brandon to make up astrong top three with Chris Harris and Scott Nicholls.Kennett said: "I've paid the price for what happened and I've done my time,and I just want to move on now and concentrate on my racing."I stuck by Coventry last winter and the fans have really stuck by me. I gota huge reception when I went to the dinner-dance which certainly put a bigsmile on my face, and now I can crack on and hopefully put on some goodperformances next year."(SPEEDWAY 3)SWINDON have swooped to sign hot Danish prospect Peter Kildemand as theirfirst 2012 team member.Kildemand joins the Robins on a full transfer from Premier League clubWorkington and will again be working with manager Alun Rossiter after abrief spell together at Coventry this year.Rossiter said: "Peter impressed me massively and I am delighted to make astart to our team building with a rider of his quality who can only improve."He's a classy rider and I'm pleased he is joining us full-time and lookingto progress his career by only riding in the Elite League rather thandoubling-up. I like his ambition."(SPEEDWAY 4)SCUNTHORPE promoter Rob Godfrey has announced his team which will line up tomake a bid for the Premier League title in 2012.Skipper David Howe is joined by returnees from this year Tero Aarnio - on afull transfer - Thomas Jorgensen and Michael Palm Toft, whilst Josh Autycomes in subject to his parent club Coventry's approval.The team is completed at reserve by Scorpions asset Ashley Birks andAustralian newcomer Tom Armstrong - and Godfrey has also committed the clubto the further development of young riders in the National League for twomore years.He said: "I am certain we have our best side yet and surely even thosepeople who had us down for a place in the bottom three last year can seethat this is a good side. I want us to be challenging for the league titleat the end of the season and I really believe we will."(SPEEDWAY 5)WORKINGTON'S team building has gathered momentum with Kenny Ingalls and AdamRoynon both now signed-up for the Comets in 2012.Ingalls returns to the club for a third season, now as a full asset of theclub, whilst local rider Roynon made a series of impressive guestappearances for the Comets last season, whilst racing regularly for Redcar.The duo join Kyle Howarth as confirmed starters, with further signingsexpected shortly.Comets chief Keith Denham said of the Ingalls move: "I have reached anagreement with Swindon promoter Gary Patchett whereby Kenny Ingalls willbecome an asset of Workington Speedway, and in exchange I have agreed totransfer Peter Kildemand's contract to the Robins."(SPEEDWAY 6)LEICESTER have completed a deal with former Finnish Under-21 Champion JariMakinen who joins the club in a loan deal from King's Lynn.Makinen impressed Lions' bosses during two late-season appearances atBeaumont Park, having come to their attention via fellow Finn KaukoNieminen.Makinen said: "I'm really happy to sign for Leicester. I enjoyed riding inthose two meetings I did there in the end of 2011 and that really made mewant to ride for them. I will do my best for the club and hopefully we canhave an awesome season together."Leicester have also confirmed that Jason Attwood continues as team managerafter taking over the role mid-season, whilst Alan Jones has been appointeda co-promoter of the club alongside David Hemsley.(SPEEDWAY 7)REDCAR boss Brian Havelock has confirmed the return of three popular membersof the Bears team for next season.Havelock named Aaron Summers, Matej Kus and Robert Branford as definitestarters in an update to fans at the stadium, and is waiting on a fitnessreport on No.1 Jason Lyons who suffered a broken femur in early September.Havelock said: "I was delighted with the large turnout of fans and theinterest shown. It went down very well that Aaron, Matej and Robert will beon the team sheet when the tapes go up at the Motorpark next March. "All had their first full season as a Bear in 2011 and the trio can progressfurther after putting down a firm foundation of performance."

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