RetroRacer confirms 2012 calendar.

• Six round series to decide top historic karter.• Fulbeck joins Ellough, Llandow, Larkhall, Whilton and Clay.

Following its most successful season to date in 2011 the British Historic Kart Club, the fastest growing kartclub in the UK, has confirmed its 2012 calendar for the burgeoning RetroRacer Series.

Comprising six rounds and catering for all Class I (Direct Drive) and Class IV (Gearbox) karts built between1959 and 1982 the RetroRacer Series saw entries regularly top 60 karts in 2011 with many more machinestaking part in track day demonstration runs in between the races themselves.

With interest in historic karting in the UK at an all time high and with more and more machines literally beingdragged out of people’s garages and restored to their former glory on a monthly basis the 2012 RetroRacerSeries should see entry levels raised even further.

Already attracting drivers from all over the UK and the Channel Islands it is hoped that the addition of theone-off global historic championship event at Donington Park next May, where more than 200 entries areexpected, will boost foreign participation in the domestic championship.

The 2012 calendar looks largely similar to the 2011 edition with the only venue change being the addition ofFulbeck, itself one of the oldest kart tracks in Britain, at the expense of Teesside.

The Series begins, as it did in 2011 at Ellough Park in Beccles on April 21st-22nd before a wait of more thantwo months before the second round at Llandow in South Wales on July 14th-15th.

BHKC members definitely won’t be getting bored during the two month hiatus between rounds one and twoas in between Ellough Park and Llandow will see many drivers in action at Donington Park and the annualShenington Superprix and Reunion meeting.

Fulbeck in Lincolnshire will host the half way mark of the season in August before RetroRacer returns toLarkhall in Scotland on August Bank Holiday weekend. The penultimate round of the season takes place atWhilton Mill in September with Clay Pigeon in Dorset hosting the season finale once again on October 20th21st.

The full 2012 RetroRacer Calendar is as follows.Round One: Ellough Park – April 21st-22nd.Round Two: Llandow – July 14th-15th.Round Three: Fulbeck – August 11th-12th.Round Four: Larkhall – August 25th-26th.Round Five: Whilton Mill – 14th-16th.Round Six: Clay Pigeon – 20th-21st.

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