Mitchell and Canache Lead Skip Barber Winter Series

Skip Barber Winter Series Rounds 3 & 4:

It was an exciting weekend in Monterey for Rounds 3 & 4 of the Mazda Winter Series for Skip Barber Formula and MAZDASPEED Challenge. Colin Wall and Jack Mitchell Jr. finished the weekend at the top of the Formula Skip Barber Championship point standings, and Rookie Nelson Canache took the MAZDASPEED points lead with back-to-back wins.

The Skip Barber presents the Mazda Winter Series for Skip Barber Formula and MAZDASPEED Challenge next competes at Homestead Miami Speedway January 18-22 for Rounds 4 & 5. Follow all the action on

Group One, Race One – Formula Skip Barber Colin Wall started the race on pole. Lap 1 got off to a competitive start as the top six drivers were nose to tail. In Lap 3, Lee Kaiser made a move for the lead and pounds the apex curb of 6, but can’t make the pop. At the end of Lap 4, Ross Jaffe spun in turn 9 and is stuck in the gravel. Lap 6 commenced with a full-course caution as a result of Jaffe’s incident. The full course caution remained through lap 7. Wall had a comfortable three-car length lead at the start of Lap 8. Going into turn 3, and the top four broke away. Jose Montiel made a pop for P5 and took the position. Going into Lap 10, there was a battle between Greg Strelzoff and Lee Kaiser for second place. Kaiser spun in turn 10 and Strelzoff made a pop on the front straight of Lap 11. The battle for second continued between Kaiser and Strelzoff into Lap 16, but Strelzoff lost time in T4. Colin Wall earned his first win of the winter series, his first Skip Barber Racing School win overall. Lee Kaiser came in second and Greg Strelzoff came in third.

Group One, Race Two – Formula Skip Barber After taking home the win earlier in the day, Colin Wall started the race on pole. Lap 1 got off to a disappointing start for Lee Kaiser as he spun early in turn two and went four wheels off course. Greg Strelzoff slid into second position. Chuck Whitlock also had a strong start as he moved from fifth to second in the first lap. Wall stretched his lead early going into the corkscrew. Going into Lap 3, the battle heated up for fourth place as Jose Montiel overtook Matt McMurry. Ross Jaffe had a solid few laps and made his way up the pack and advanced from twelfth position to fifth place entering lap 5. Going into lap 7, there was a fight for third place between Whitlock and Montiel. Montiel in fourth didn’t make the move and Whitlock was able to create some breathing room. Going into lap 10, Montiel went three off and lost a spot to Ross Jaffe who slid into fourth. Jaffe continued his run in the next two laps and overtook Whitlock for third position in lap 12. Colin Wall took his second win of the day. Greg Strelzoff earned second place and Ross Jaffe took third place.

Group 1, Formula Skip BarberStarting Position in Parenthesis

Group 1 Race 1   Group 1 Race 2 1. (1) Colin Wall   1. (1) Colin Wall 2. (3) Lee Kaiser - GM   2. (3) Greg Strelozoff - M 3. (12) Greg Strelozoff - M   3. (13) Ross Jaffe - GM 4. (5) Jose Montiel   4. (4) Jose Montiel 5. (4) Chuck Whitlock   5. (5) Chuck Whitlock 6. (8) John Adams   6. (11) Greg Holloway 7. (9) Matt McMurry   7. (7) Matt McMurry 8. (7) Doug Jeffers   8. (6) John Adams 9. (6) John Schauerman - GM   9. (9) John Schauerman - GM 10. (10) George Morales   10. (2) Lee Kaiser - GM 11. (2) Greg Holloway   11. (8) Doug Jeffers 12. (11) Matt Carman - M   12. (10) George Morales 13. (13) Ross Jaffe - GM   13. (12) Matt Carman - M Top Master: Lee KaiserPole Position: Colin WallFastest Lap: Colin Wall (1:42.495 / 78.677 mph) Most Improved: Greg Strelzoff, 9 positionsLaps Led: Colin Wall 1-17Track Conditions: Dry and overcast    Top Master: Greg StrelzoffPole Position: Colin WallFastest Lap: Colin Wall (1:42.730 / 78.497 mph) Most Improved: Ross Jaffe, 10 positionsLaps Led: Colin Wall 1-16Track Conditions: Cloudy

Group Two, Race One – MAZDASPEED Challenge Nelson Canache, Skip Barber Master, started the race on pole. Canache in P1 and Bryan Hixon in second place had a solid start and broke away from the rest of the pack and gained a 10 car-length lead going into turn 11. There was a solid battle for third going into Lap 2. The field spread out evenly going into lap 4. Nelson continued to stretch out his lead, but Hixon managed to make up some timebetween him and Nelson. Hixon went four off in Lap 8 and Doug Tuttle eases into second place. Despite going four wheels off, Hixon managed to stay in third place. Nelson Canache earned his first win of the winter series, his first Skip Barber Racing School win overall. Doug Tuttle came in second followed by Bryan Hixon in third place.

Group Two, Race Two – MAZDASPEED ChallengeNelson Canache, Skip Barber Master, started the race on pole after winning the earlier MAZDASPEED Challenge. Canache widened his advantage early in the race and pulled away from the pack turning into the corkscrew. Raef Grohnme also had a strong start and made his way up the pack and overtook Maria Canizales for sixth place. Doug Tuttle pressured Maurizio Scala early in lap 4 and made his move in lap 5 overtaking the third position from Scala. Grohme continued his solid driving and started to gain on Craig Harnriot, who was in fifth place. Bryan Hixon, who was in second place, dropped two in lap 7 but managed to hang on. Grohne finally made a pop for fifth in lap 11 and overtook Harnriot. Scala started to feel pressure from Grohne going into lap 12, but Scala managed to hold on to fourth place. Nelson Canache earned his second win of the day followed by Bryan Hixon in second place. Doug Tuttle took third place.

Group 2 MAZDASPEED Challenge Starting Position in Parenthesis

Group 2 Race 1   Group 2 Race 2 1. (1) Nelson Canache -R   1. (1) Nelson Canache -R 2. (2) Doug Tuttle - GM   2. (3) Bryan Hixon 3. (3) Bryan Hixon   3. (2) Doug Tuttle - GM 4. (4) Maurizio Scala - GM   4. (4) Maurizio Scala - GM 5. (6) Craig Harnriot - GM   5. (0) Raef Grohne R - M 6. (7) Maria Canizales - R   6. (5) Craig Harnriot - GM 7. (5) Raef Grohne R - M   7. (6) Maria Canizales - R Top Master: Doug TuttlePole Position: Nelson Canache Fastest Lap: Nelson Canache (1:49.717 / 73.498 mph) Most Improved: Maurizio Scala, 3 PositionsLaps Led: Nelson Canache 1-16Track Conditions: Dry and overcast   Top Master: Doug Tuttle Pole Position: Nelson CanacheFastest Lap: Nelson Canache (1:49.556 / 73.606 mph) Laps Led:Nelson Canache 1-16Track Conditions: Sunny, dry and cold

Group Three, Race One – Formula Skip Barber  Skip Barber newcomer Adrian Starrantino started the race on pole. The top 3, Straratino, Nick Neri in second place and Danillo Estrella in third place, pulled away from the field early. Jack Mitchell Jr. slid into fourth position. Going to Lap 2, the caution flag came out as Azim Gandhi was hit. Caution flag continued into Lap 3. Lap 4 commenced, and the top six drivers pulled away from the field. First three cars were in a row going into turn 6, but Danillo Estrella pulled away and advanced into the lead position. Going into lap 10 Estrella led the pack followed by Nick Neri in second and Adrian Starrantino in third. Going into Lap 11, Neri almost passed Estrella in the corkscrew, but the pass didn’t happen, but they went side by side going into turn 11. In lap 14, Greg Holloway spun. The yellow flag came out as Holloway is stuck in the corkscrew. MAZDASPEED Motorsports Development Driver and the newest Skip Barber Karting Shootout Scholarship winner Danillo Estrella took the win. Rookie Adrian Starrantino came in second and Skip Barber Karting Scholarship Shootout runner up Nick Neri came in third.

Group Three, Race Two – Formula Skip BarberAdrian Starrantino started the race on pole. Jack Mitchell Jr. had a solid start and jumps past Greg Strelzoff for third place. Going into lap 3, the leaders were side by side. Jake Eidson also had a solid race as he moved from eighth place to fourth in the first four laps. Starrantino went off in lap 7, allowing Nick Neri to slide in first position. Mitchell Jr. continued his solid driving and moved to second position into lap 8. There was a pop for the lead and Mitchel Jr. took it from Neri in lap 10. Neri was close behind Mitchell Jr. and reclaimed the lead in lap 11. Eidson slid into third position in lap 13 and caught up to Neri and Mitchell Jr. Mitchell Jr. made a move past Neri and regained the first position, but Neri was close behind. Neri recovered the first spot in lap 15, but Mitchell Jr. wasn’t giving up. Mitchell Jr. came out the victor and earned the win. Nick Neri was a close second followed by Jake Eidson in third place.

Group 3, Formula Skip BarberStarting Position in Parenthesis

Group 3 Race 1   Group 3 Race 2 1. (1) Danilo Estrela   1. (4) Jack Mitchell Jr. 2. (5) Adrian Starrantino - R   2. (3) Nick Neri - R 3. (3) Nick Neri - R   3. (9) Jake Eidson 4. (2) Jack Mitchell Jr.   4. (6) Greg Strelzoff - M 5. (12) Randy Sturgeon - GM   5. (2) Adrian Starrantino - R 6. (9) Greg Strelzoff - M   6. (13) Azim Gandhi 7. (6) Abe Cuellar   7. (5) Randy Sturgeon - GM 8. (11) Mauricio Uribe   8. (15) Colin Wall 9. (4) Jake Eidson   9. (8) Mauricio Uribe 10. (10) Nova Brown - R   10. (7) Abe Cuellar 11. (7) Doug Tuttle - GM   11. (12) Ross Jaffe - GM 12. (13) Ross Jaffe - GM   12. (10) Nova Brown - R 13. (14) Greg Holloway   13. (11) Doug Tuttle - GM 14. (8) Azim Gandhi   14. (14) Greg Holloway      DQ (1) Danilo Estrela Top Master: Randy SturgeonPole Position: Danilo EstrelaFastest Lap: Adrian Starrantino (1:40.510 / 80.231 mph) Most Improved: Randy Sturgeon, 5 PositionsLaps Led: Danilo Estrela 1-16Track Conditions: Cloudy   Top Master: Greg StrelzoffPole Position: Danilo Estrela Fastest Lap: Jake Eidson (1:41.122 / 79.745 mph) Most Improved: Ross Jaffe, 10 positionsLaps Led: Adrian Starrantino 1-7; Nick Neri 8-9; Jack Mitchell Jr. 10; Neri 11-13; Mitchell 14; Neri 15; Mitchell Track Conditions: Dry and overcast

2011-2012 Top 10 Skip Barber Presents the Mazda Winter Series Formula Skip Barber Championship Point Standings1. 70 pts Jack Mitchell Jr. 2. 70 Colin Wall 3. 67 Nick Neri - R 4. 67 Danilo Estrela5. 62 Jake Eidson 6. 58 Adrian Starrantino - R7. 56 Dr. Mike Edwards - GM 8. 56 Jose Montiel9. 53 Greg Strelzoff10. 53 Lee Kaiser - GM

2011-2012 Top 10 Skip Barber Presents the Mazda Winter Series MAZDASPEED Challenge Championship Point Standings1. 70 pts Nelson Canache - R2. 62 Steve Randall - GM3. 62 Bryan Hixon4. 62 Doug Tuttle - GM5. 60 Dr. Mike Edwards - GM 6. 58 Kieron O'Rourke - GM7. 56 Greg Strelzoff - M8. 56 Maurizio Scala - GM9. 51 DJ Randall10. 51 Craig Hanriot - GM

  2011-2012 Skip Barber presents the  Mazda Winter Series / MAZDASPEED Challenge Winter Remaining ScheduleRounds 5 & 6, January 20-22: Homestead-Miami Speedway, FLRounds 7 & 8, February 17-19: Sebring International Raceway, CARounds 9 & 10, March 24-25: Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, CARounds 11 & 12, April 13-14: Sebring International Raceway, FL

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