Brand New Team for Ed, Super One Champion to drive for Formula K in 2012

Formula K Europe has signed Ed Brand to launch its attack on the fiercely competitive Rotax classes in 2012.The reigning Super One and Kartmasters Champion will defend his UK titles with Protrain Racing and contest the Euro Max and BNL series, plus selected other events, with Holland-based Formula K Europe. 

Martin Blom, Formula K Europe team principal said: “I first met Ed about three years ago when he was racing in the Junior class and he impressed me then. He did it again when he graduated to the Senior category - I like him as a person and for his driving style. We are building up the Formula K team and brand in Europe and now the UK, so I wanted a driver who can win the European Championship next year and Ed has the potential.”

Protrain’s Gary Chapman is also excited by the Hertfordshire teenager’s abilities: “I’m thrilled to have someone of Ed’s calibre racing with us. We’re looking to repeat the success he enjoyed this season in the UK and go one better in Europe. It’s our first time working together, but we’ve known and got on well with Ed and his family for years.”Chapman added, “The Formula K chassis has been doing very well in Europe and it is looking like the best to be on in 2012.”       Brand’s move to Formula K will see an old partnership renewed, as HRS Racing Engines will supply the motive power. The firm’s owner Nigel Horner is looking forward to working with Ed again: “I’m very pleased. We won the British championships the last time and I hope to do it again and, of course, win the elusive European crown. He’s great to work with and his feedback is excellent. It will be exciting to see our engines and, what is essentially a new product in the UK, being demonstrated by a driver of his ability. “

After weeks of speculation about his future, Ed said that the new deal means a great deal to him: “Every driver wants to be part of a works team and to have more responsibility than just turn up and drive. With Formula K I have an incredible opportunity, not just to lead their bid to win the British, European and Benelux championships, but also to have an input into developing the kart itself. I’ve already tested the kart at Genk and was just a tenth (of a second) off the pole time for the Euro Max round there. That wasn’t in full quali’ trim, so the potential is clearly there. I was very encouraged and the feedback from the chassis is excellent.”K

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