Formula Kart Stars drivers get ‘In the Zone’ with iZone.

• Full day of training for 12 drivers.• Prize to reward individual effort.

In a sport where the line between success and failure can be defined in thousandths of a second, any advantage a driver can muster no matter how small can be critical. In 2012 twelve lucky Formula Kart Stars drivers will get a first hand insight into how they can unlock those vital tenths and hundredths thanks to iZone Driver Performance’s new ‘In the Zone’ prize.

Following a successful 2011 season in which the four Formula Kart Stars class champions all earned themselves a day with iZone, the Formula One Management backed Championship will nominate one driver in each of the twelve 2012 rounds to attend a full day of training at iZone’s state-of-the-art Silverstone facility.

During the day the lucky prize winners will benefit from iZone’s expertise on improving all areas of their driving, expertise that helped Andy Priaulx to three World Touring Car titles.

“The prize winners will receive structured development training with iZone,” said iZone’s Neil Riddiford. “We identify potential areas of improvement with each driver and then use the technology that is available to raise their awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and improve their progression.

“We look at scientific methods to help them be the best that they can be through a series of accumulated marginal gains,” concluded Riddiford, who also confirmed that the prize would also entail time in iZone’s simulator.

Formula Kart Stars Championship director Carolynn Hoy is enthusiastic about the continuing partnership between FKS and iZone.

“It’s incredibly important for every driver to be on top of their game in every race and the team at iZone Driver Performance have been really successful at helping young drivers develop, including our current MSA British Champion Daniel Ticktum.”

Hoy also sees the connection between the type of learning available to FKS drivers through the ‘In the Zone’ prize and Boston College’s Education Bus, which will travel with the Championship throughout the year.

“Formula Kart Stars is committed to giving our driver all the tools they will need in adult life off the track with our education bus and iZone has the same commitment to giving drivers all the psychological tools they need on the track,” continued Hoy. “It’s also important to remember that a driver who finishes 15th may have been driving just as close to the limit as a driver who wins a race. That is what being ‘In the Zone’ is all about, maximising your own peak performance.”

Prize winners will be split into three groups and prize dates will be organised throughout the year depending on school holidays.

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