McLaren Mercedes “Happy with progress – now it’s time for Melbourne”

Date/Sunday March 4 2012

Driver/Lewis Hamilton

Location/Circuit de Catalunya, Barcelona

Track length 4.655km

Weather/ Bright and sunny in the morning, eventually clouding over before an end-of-day shower just before the chequered flag.Laps completed 115

Kilometres covered 535kmBest laptime 1m22.430s

ProgrammeFinal day of 2012 pre-season testing and Lewis resumed testing duties of the team’s proposed race-one aerodynamic upgrade.

 The aim of today’s programme was to continue the analysis started yesterday by Jenson – and the team successfully spent the morning running through a suite of set-up and balance changes and a number of tyre comparison runs.

 Into the afternoon, the aim was to put further miles on the new aero package over a simulated race distance. The programme was slightly knocked-back by a small hydraulic leak at the end of the day, but the leak fortuitously coincided with a late-afternoon rainshower, meaning the team lost little significant running.

At the end of the day, Lewis and the engineers declared themselves happy with progress, particularly over the course of a long-run.

Now, our focus turns to Melbourne…

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