A 100 percent Tunisian Rally in 2013

Now in charge of organizing the International Rally of Tunisia, the N.A.C.T (National Automobile Club of Tunisia) and its President, Mr Chadly Zouiten, supported by the National Motorcycle Federation (FTM) and its President Mr Nejib Lajmi, have been  forced to postpone the 2012 edition to 2013.

Over three decades of existence, the International Rally of Tunisia has become an institution in the off-road rally world, famous round of the World Cup for Cross Country rallies and Motorcycles World Championship. Today, facing a difficult economic situation, the organizers prefer to focus on the 2013 edition to offer a « high quality » rally (as it has always been), and celebrate the centenary of the N.A.C.T.

The Tunisian authorities who have expressed their wish to promote "their" race must unfortunately give up the organization of the 2012 edition. The remaining time until the rally dates (scheduled from May 8th to 13th) is extremely short and the budget cuts made by the partners do not allow us to organize the event with full confidence this year. In any way, this decision is not based on any security situation but is only the consequence of insufficient funding.

As stated Chadly Zouiten, President of N.A.C.T, reason prevailed over passion: "We are facing a real dilemma: the reason facing passion. Our wish to organize the rally in 2012 is certain and our passion for this race is entire. But after deep thinking and an accurate assessment of our options, we have to be realistic. We do not have enough time to gather our forces and to get the necessary budget to host an event such as the International Rally of Tunisia. This is an international race whom competitors are accustomed to excellence. No way to offer them a lackluster rally and to organize it roughly. Our conception of the rally-raids does not allow us to pretend. Reluctantly, I must admit that we are forced to postpone our efforts to return in 2013 with a great event and a leading organization. This year, reason has prevailed, but we wish to be back in 2013 to offer our country and our competitors, a great 31st edition of the International Rally of Tunisia! "

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