Silverstone to host evening with Land Speed legends

Exclusive dinner and interview with the fastest men on earth

 Silverstone Circuit will host an exclusive dinner and interview session with the current land speed record holders Richard Noble OBE and RAF Wing Commander Andy Green. As part of the evening, taking place on 15 May 2012 in the circuit’s state-of-the-art Silverstone Wing complex, the duo will be presenting their latest project BLOODHOUND SSC, with which they will attempt to reach the 1,000mph mark.

 Green and Noble made land speed history in October 1997 with Thrust SSC, the jet-propelled supersonic car developed by Noble, Glynne Bowsher, Ron Ayers and Jeremy Bliss. Driven by Green, Thrust reached 763mph becoming the first land vehicle to break the sound barrier.

 With their new vehicle BLOODHOUND SSC, Green and Noble are aiming to travel ‘faster than the speed of sound’, going from 0-1,000mph in just 42 seconds - the equivalent of travelling four and a half football pitches in one second.

 The Silverstone Wing, located in the heart of the Grand Prix Circuit, will provide the ideal backdrop to the intimate dinner.

 Richard Phillips, Managing Director of Silverstone Circuits Limited, said; “We are delighted to welcome the BLOODHOUND SSC pair of Andy Green and Richard Noble OBE to the Silverstone Wing. Silverstone is at the forefront of engineering and technology within motor sport, so we have a clear understanding of the colossal task facing Andy and Richard and the cutting-edge technology required to achieve this incredible goal. These men have accomplished unimaginable feats and I am sure guests will be excited to hear how their 1,000mph record attempt will be made.”

 In addition to the dinner and interview session, guests will have the opportunity to experience Silverstone first hand with a tour of Race Control, the Pit Wall and the Formula 1™ podium*.

 For more information, or to book tickets, contact the Silverstone Sales Team on 0844 3728 230 or email

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