Edgar's Hyundai MSA British Junior Kart Championship

 Round 1: PF International, 22 April

Reigning CIK-FIA European KF3 Champion George Russell took the early British Championship lead with a pair of victories in the season-opener at PFI.

Russell dominated the first Final on a slippery track after pulling away from Croatian Martin Kodric. Alex Gill initially slipped from the front row to fourth place but clawed his way past former MSA British Cadet Kart Champion Nathan Aston to finish third.

Russell made a great start in the second Final but with a few laps to go Gill nipped past to take the lead. However, two laps later Russell found his way back in front to collect his second win of the weekend.

Results – Final 11 George Russell (Intrepid) 17m18.75s2 Martin Kodric (FA Alonso) +5.69s3 Alex Gill (Wright) +8.25s

Final 21 Russell 16m27.22s2 Gill +0.79s3 Nathan Aston (Intrepid) +4.52s

Championship positions (provisional)after Round 11 George Russell - 100 points2 Alex Gill – 943 Martin Kodric – 924 Nathan Aston – 905 Bradley Shaw - 86

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