Ocean Racing Technology aiming at a new points finish in Bahrain GP2

The Bahrain International Circuit will be hosting the second consecutive GP2 Series race weekend. Ocean Racing Technology will be running the same pair of drivers as last week, composed of Nigel Melker and Brendon Hartley.

Ocean Racing Technology secured its first point in the first races contested on the Sakhir circuit, and hopes to keep up its momentum. Brendon Hartley, who is again replacing Jon Lancaster is more confident than ever, following his successful return to the GP2 Series. "I think that we can do even better because I have adapted to the circuit and I worked well with the crew to improve the car's set-up," explained the New-Zealander, "Qualifying will again be essential and I am confident I can bring home a better result than 10th place, which was still very encouraging for my return to competition."

Through his race pace, Nigel Melker has already demonstrated that, despite his inexperience with the GP2 Series, he has the potential to drive with the best. The Dutch driver hopes to harvest the fruits of his labor and secure the first of his points in Bahrain. "Our references from the last races will help us to prepare well for this second Sakhir meeting. We have done good work and we all know that we have the capacity to race in the front pack. I am also waiting for success to come to us because we have been missing out on it so far," Nigel Melker declared.

The performance level of Ocean Racing Technology and its drivers is making Tiago Monteiro optimistic. "The team and our drivers have had the time to analyze the information gathered last week, but also to work on changes. So I hope we will be more competitive and our drivers will have the means to demonstrate that on the track," declared the manager of the Portuguese team.

The Bahrain races will be broadcast on Eurosport Friday April 27 at 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 28 at 10:30 p.m.

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