Williams testing programme compromised by rain

Driver: Valtteri BottasChassis / engine: FW34-01 / RS27-5259/2Location: Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello, Italy 5.245kmObjectives: Set-up work and aero evaluationsWeather: Cloudy with drying track in morning, wet in afternoonAmbient & track temps: 23ºC / 26ºC

Mark Gillan, Chief Operations Engineer: Unfortunately our programme was compromised by the rain today, which at one stage was heavy enough to red flag the session. Valtteri drove well in what were very difficult conditions. Despite this limited running we managed to successfully complete a number of our planned test items.   Thankfully the forecast for the next two days looks better and we hope to recover some of the lost time with both Bruno and Pastor scheduled to be driving the car on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.

Valtteri Bottas: It wasn’t ideal weather for testing unfortunately. However, we completed some aero runs this morning when the track dried out a little and gathered some useful data. I feel we made the most out of the conditions and got as much out of the day as we could. The track is really great so it’s a shame I didn’t get more running in the dry.

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