Britpart MSA British Cross Country Championship

Round 2: Epynt, 12-13 May

Richard Kershaw made it two wins from two events by taking victory in the second round of the season in Halfway forest on Epynt.

The lead changed several times during the opening day’s eight runs, with Kershaw, Justin Birchall and Ian Rochelle battling to top the leaderboard. Birchall’s challenge ended with a maximum time on run four after damaging his car on a rock, while Rochelle’s day ended when his Millington Phoenix stalled at a tight hairpin and would not restart for over three minutes.

Dan Evans set the pace early on day two and was rapidly eating into Kershaw’s lead until a broken fanbelt denied him the chance of a win. It was not to be an easy run to victory for Kershaw though; his car was stuck in rear-wheel-drive for the last two runs but he made it through to win by 50 seconds.

Results1 Richard Kershaw / Andy Lees (Milner R5) 1h25m48s2 Ian Rochelle / Chris Hammond (Millington Phoenix) +50s3 Dan Evans / Bob Bullock (Milner R5L) +2m49s

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