First win of the season for the aabar Abu Dhabi Villorba racing with Ferrari Team at Nurburgring

Super performance by the crew Montermini-Lopez behind the wheel of the Ferrari 458 of the Italian squad, which has started its comeback in the standings of the 2012 International GT Open

Nurburg (Germany), May 27, 2012. The aabar Abu Dhabi Villorba racing with Ferrari Team today (Sunday, May 27) celebrates the first overall win of the season in the second round of the International GT Open 2012 at the Nurburgring , thanks to a super performance by its two race drivers Andrea Montermini and Juan Manuel Lopez behind the wheel of the powerful Ferrari 458 of Super GT class.

At last the whole team could join the podium, finisching on top of a weekend full of mixed emotions. After the big disappointment of the incredible retirement in yesterday's race-1 it has been a great performance today in a race that has been dominated by the aabar Abu Dhabi Villorba racing with Ferrari Team with no mechanical issues or problems. This result rewards the work of the team and highlights the drive of the fast Italian driver and the young Argentine, who have now began to close the gap with the leaders in the overall and in the class standings of the toughest series organized by the GT Sport of Jesus Pareja.

Today, starting from the second row, Lopez has always kept a very fast pace, entering the pits for the mandatory driver change in third place after 22 of the 50 minutes of race-2. At that point, Montermini could take the lead, starting to gain on rivals and taking a crucial victory under the checkered flag by a wide margin on all opponents, an evidence of the great competitiveness of the entire package. So the aabar Abu Dhabi Villorba racing with Ferrari Team is still among the leading squad of the 2012 GT Open and now looks with greater confidence to the next round, scheduled at Spa in a month time.

“Today everything went well at last - said Raimondo Amadio, Team Principal -; perfect strategy, very good drivers and competitive car throughout the race. It is a very important win for us after so many issues in this start of the season. But we must immediately get back to work towards Spa, which will be a crucial round for our team.”

Andrea Montermini: “Our championship begins today with this win, after all those situations that, however, are part of racing. I am very happy today, because the level of competition is rising and winning is more difficult than ever. Now all we have to do is keep on working.”

Juan Manuel Lopez: “It is my first win for the team and I am honored to have taken it on a track I never raced before. The team did a great job. It is a victory that has rewarded the hard work they are doing since the beginning of the season.”

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