Michel-Zacharie Lecomte Le Mans Exhibition

In homage to Michel Z. Lecomte, who died last September, an exhibition of some of his most exciting paintings is on show in the 24-Hours press room during race week. Michel-Zacharie Lecomte, official Le Mans 24-Hours painter, died suddenly on 11th September 2011 aged 76. This artist who was a passionate motor sport lover was born near the Circuit des Essarts not far from Rouen. He very quickly immersed himself in the universe of colours and sounds of car racing, which he loved so much.He obtained his degree from the Rouen Ecole des Beaux-Arts, was awarded the Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques as well as the Grand Prix de l’Art du Festival International de l’Automobile. In parallel to his career as a great painter Lecomte taught art.

In 2011, he was back at the Le Mans 24 Hours to continue painting this event that he loved so much. “Sharing and transmitting my passions are the reasons that have led me to continue my endless research about the myth of the racing car,” he explained when asked about his work. “It is the symbol of a society in perpetual motion with men of great talent and courage. Their exploits have fed my inspiration thanks to my frequent visits to workshops, teams and circuits. The use of different techniques in alternation (oil, ink, pencil, pen, water colours) have enabled me to depict the multiple aspects of this universe. My work as a painter has allowed me to live an intense life filled with constant personal interrogations and fleeting certitudes that I share with all those I love.” »

After Yahn Janou who had a remarkable retrospective of his work in the press room during the 2011 Le Mans 24 Hours, it was evident for the ACO to pay homage to Michel Z. Lecomte this year. His 28 paintings, which are for sale, will be on display until Sunday 17th June.

A book has been published on the work of Michel Z. Lecomte: «Automobiles de Course, 40 ans de peinture . Michel Z. Lecomte » published by E.T.A.I

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