Racer Laura Tillett Lends Support To CLIC Sargent

Racing driver Laura Tillett is to help promote CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and will compete in aid of the exceptionally worthwhile cause during the remainder of the 2012 Protyre Formula Renault BARC Championship.The 21-year-old from West Malling, who drives for leading team Fortec Motorsports, is striving to help raise the profile of CLIC Sargent through her involvement in motor racing both on and off track – as well as competing in Formula Renault, Laura is also an ambassador for Caterham Motorsport.“CLIC Sargent is an amazing charity”, said Laura, “It doesn’t receive the recognition and credit it deserves so I want to try and do my little bit and help try and increase awareness of the incredible work done by the staff and amazing volunteers.“This is something I feel very deeply about, I really love children and I find it heart-breaking when you see what some youngsters have to go through. It makes you appreciate how lucky you are in your life. CLIC Sargent really is a wonderful charity and what they do is life-changing, I’m willing to do anything I can to help support them.”CLIC Sargent provides wide-ranging support for children with cancer, and their families, with vital help on a clinical, practical, financial and emotional level. The aim of the charity is to help those youngsters get the most they can from life, as explained through CLIC Sargent’s key message – a vision of a world where all children and young people with cancer live life to the full.Each and every day in the UK there are 10 youngsters who receive the shocking and life-changing news they have cancer. The treatment process begins immediately, and can last up to three years, but CLIC Sargent is there from the diagnosis forward to try and help both the children and their families deal with the immense impact of having cancer.“I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Laura for her support from all of us at CLIC Sargent”, said Area Fundraising Manager Dan Powell, “With the help of people like Laura we can continue to provide vital services to children and young people with cancer and their families. We wish Laura good luck for the rest of the motor racing season and thank her again for her support.”Laura will be back in action at the wheel of her Protyre Formula Renault BARC Championship car just under three weeks from now on 21st/22nd July at Croft Circuit, near Darlington, in North Yorkshire.For more information regarding CLIC Sargent, please visit www.clicsargent.org.uk

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